THE MESSENGER OF WATER™ part 2 (advanced)

The journey continues... A 3-week course to deepen the connection with water and your inner self.

CAMPAIGN price 49€, valid until March 6th


We are water and it should be our priority

About 70% of our body consists of water. Water is the most common, yet the least understood chemical compound and liquid. No other compound behaves in such a peculiar and anomalously different manner as water does. Water seems to be able to preserve our intentions —it has a memory and we can have an effect on it. 

The Messenger of Water™ training course, part 2 (advanced) is a 3-week journey to deepen the connection with water and your inner self. We will continue our journey that we started in basics course.  We will strengthen the connection to water, learn to channel its message. This course teaches you how to be a channel — the Messenger of Water™. The course is developed and channeled by Johanna Blomqvist, Ph.D.

Dive in to the course

"Waters, you are the ones who bring us the life-force of the gods."      

– The Rig Veda

This course teaches you to find a better connection to water and to yourself

The Messenger of Water™ training (advanced) is intended for everyone interested in water, the significance of it, and also well-being. It is well-suited as an advanced study for those interested in energy, information, and the nature of reality. To participate in the advanced course, completion of the basic course is required. 

To the course



The Messenger of Water™ training is divided into courses 1 (basics) and 2 (advanced). You can choose to attend only course 1 or both courses. Both courses last three weeks: each week has own theme with theory, exercises and meditations.

Participants who finish the training will get a certificate and the right to use the title "The Messenger of Water™" (1 or 2), which also carries the responsibility to speak and act as a messenger for water in various ways.

PART 2, WEEK #1: Water in dreams and Sacred Feminine Energy  

Water symbols. Water in dreams. Water and Sacred Feminine Energy. Finding connection to the water in you. The Age of Aquarius meditation. Deepening the connection to the water.

PART 2, WEEK #2: Basics of Channeling

What is Channeling? How to tune into water to be able to channel it? Building your own "water symbol library". Channeling practices. Meditations and exercises.

PART 2, WEEK #3: Basics of Remote Viewing

What is Remote Viewing? How learning it can help you in channeling the messages of water?Summarizing everything in this course. Meditations and exercises. What is your way of being the Messenger of Water™?

Join the course

The Mystery of Water will be revealed...

Why is water a mystery? What is water? Can water remember? What is the best kind of water for us? These questions and many more are explored in The Mystery of Water.

Sometimes, finding answers requires daring to go deep and in unexpected directions.

While writing the Mystery of Water book, I felt that each one of us needs to embark on our own "water journey"—to understand our connection with water, and in doing so, understand ourselves. This training will deepen the concepts discussed in the book.

Order the book

“Greetings, water beings and seekers... 

...our journey to the sacred knowledge about water begins here. Follow the marked path—walk through the lectures and exercises in the suggested order. Do not deviate from it, as it helps you get empowering information, developing you to become the true bearer of water, The Messenger of Water™.

Walk as slowly as needed and reflect on what you are receiving. Listen to yourself and engage with the thoughts and emotions that stir within. Let them carry you and flow with the water. Surrender.”


Is The Messenger of Water™ course for you?

Are you interested in your own well-being and that of others? Are you concerned about water, environmental issues, and how water affects you, and wish to do something? Are you sensitive and feel a natural connection with nature? Perhaps you’ve already studied mindfulness, meditation, or energy medicine?

If so, then The Messenger of Water™ course is definitely for you. Through this course, you’ll explore water’s mysteries, learn how it influences health, and gain tools to enhance your connection with nature and yourself.


This course will be available starting February 26th, 2025. After that date you can start the course whenever you wish.


3-week Messenger of Water online course


(Normal price 173€)

  • Access to online training course materials for 12 months.
  • Materials are text & audio/video recordings
  • Recommended duration for completing the course: 3 weeks.
  • Each week has own theme
  • Your understanding and connection to water and to your inner self  strenghtens

Why I created this course?

"... I had made a new kind of connection with it (water) and I was sure that our journey together would continue. Later, I also understood that water is now my teacher, who also guides me where to focus my attention."

This is what I wrote in the foreword of The Mystery of Water. From that day onward, I have felt that I am living in a flow. Water guides and supports me. All of this has been so valuable to me that I now want to share what I have learned with others.

Your teacher in this course,

Johanna Blomqvist,

Ph.D. physicist, author, cold-water enthusiast and The Messenger of Water™.


"Knowledge of water cannot remain secret. Water now needs messengers who will act on behalf of water in various ways."      

- Johanna Blomqvist in The Mystery of Water

Q & A 

"You are not a drop in the ocean. 

You are entire ocean — in a drop"


– Rumi

Who is Johanna Blomqvist and what is Hyper Reality Institute?

Hyper Reality Institute is an organization operating in Finland and funded by Johanna Blomqvist. Business ID: FI25092239

Johanna Blomqvist is a Ph.D. physicist, author and entrepreneur. She has been teaching  reiki and other courses, provided consultation and lectured for over 10 years. She also publishes books in the field of cutting-edge science.

Hyper Reality Institute organizes courses, events, seminars and workshops that connect science and spirituality. 

Contact Johanna for more information: [email protected]